“Do I have to change any settings on my IC-7300 for use with RS-BA1 ?” is an interesting question. My first answer is: “Why would you..”. After reading the comments from others to this question, I decided to write this blog post.

First of all, try to understand the Icom wording and terminology. Don’t draw your own conclusions. The most famous example is Icom’s usage of the word REMOTE…

“Do I have to change any settings on my IC-7300 for use with RS-BA1 ?” can be answered with no. This implies that:

  • USB is linked to REMOTE, resulting in 19200 maximum baud rate, resulting in RS-BA1 set to REMOTE, resulting in scope not available. This is the default configuration. In the Icom world, you are using the REMOTE jack CI-V port, even if you connect through USB, since USB is linked to REMOTE.

This all makes sense, assuming you understand what Icom means with REMOTE. If you do want the RS-BA1 scope display, then the answer to the above question becomes yes and implies:

  • USB is unlinked from REMOTE, setting the baud rate to 115200, and setting RS-BA1 to USB, resulting in RS-BA1 scope display working.

Now let’s switch to the scenario where RS-BA1 Remote Control is used with RS-BA1 Remote Utility over LAN or Internet. Remote Utility replaces the physical connections with virtual connections, and this should be invisible to the application. Should you reconfigure RS-BA1 Remote Control? No, after all, Remote Utility hides the LAN/Internet link and makes it look like a direct connection.

If you don’t need the scope display, set RS-BA1 to REMOTE, and if you do want the scope, set it to USB. At this point, many configurations fail because “.. at a remote location, this setting should be REMOTE, not USB …” makes sense. Note that Remote Utility must be configured with the correct baud rate, 19200 for REMOTE and 115200 for USB. Since the Icom applications support Auto baud rate detection, this might automagically work, but I’ve never tried this.

To summarize the settings for use of RS-BA1 with scope display:

on the IC-7300:

  • Unlink USB from REMOTE
  • Set baud rate to 115200
  • Connect with USB cable

on RS-BA1:

  • Set ‘Connection’ to USB in the ‘Option’ –> ‘Connect Setting’ menu

Have fun and good luck :-)


  1. Hey Frank I red where you purchase some adapter that gave you two CV-I ports. In my case I have the steppir SDA100 controller connected to the 7300 and the USB cable to the pc. I set the baud rate on automatic and the steppir controller only can set to 19200 so I also realized the rate set for the HRD software is 19200 too. How would I solve the problem in getting the waterfall display 115200. I want to setup where I can use my android phone to control the radio. use teamviewer to access the pc to turn on HRD software which will turned the radio and rotator on. I can probably use two separate Skype accounts but can I use the microphone and speaker that shows up in my device manager when I connect the 7300 to the pc. I used to run my TS 870s with the signal link sound card and it worked. now I am wandering if I purchased the RS BA1 software can I run remote without the signal link. Please if you can help direct information to my email. Thanks in advance KC8RMR

    1. Author

      Hi Claude,

      You can connect the Steppir controller to the CI-V remote port (the small jack plug port). Then select Unlink From Remote in the settings. Now you can set the USB port speed to 115200 and have the waterfall display in RS-BA1. The 7300 has a sound card build in, so you don’t need a Signal link.

      Best 73,

  2. Thank you very much for documenting this. I had the software for a day and thought I was going to need to settle with no scope display because the radio didn’t show a 115200 baud rate. Your instructions got the radio to cooperate and scope to work.

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