After using a mac mini late 2009 (bought new) and thereafter a late 2012 model (2nd hand) for many years, I made the jump to Apple Silicon, a mac mini m2. The 2012 model was upgraded to 16GB and 2x 1TB SSD and now serves as file/lms/vpn/unbound/vm and time machine server. The 2009 model had serious sleep problems, the 2012 model (mojave, later catalina) worked perfect, especially with WOL and bonjour proxy. But wait, the led on the front of the new mini remains on.. well thats normal for modern minis. Smart move to silent a lot of sleep questions. So does the box goesRead More →

I learned about sshfs when using Daphile, the music server and player package for Intel PC’s. Daphile should connect to my Mac to access my iTunes library. I tried this before using SMB file sharing, but this failed due to sleep-wake cycles of the Mac. This made the SMB connection unreliable. Recent versions of Daphile support sshfs, and I hoped to avoid the issues I had with SMB. sshfs requires only a ssh account on the server and uses the sftp protocol to transfer data. Unfortunately, my Mac went to sleep even during a sftp file transfer. With ssh, you can block sleep with settingRead More →

I have a MacBook Pro from 2012, now running Catalina. I bought it second hand with international keyboard, 8 GB and 512 SSD. Indestructible (I tried). The display hinges are a bit loose, a known problem and easy to fix. After playing with multi-boot, EFI, Linux and bootcamp, things got messed up and I needed to recover from time machine. Not a big deal, it’s all spelled out over the internet: restart with CMD-R, select your time machine backup and wait… But wait, there are two extra variants to this, SHIFT-CMD-R and ALT-CMD-R. Reading the “Guides” and Apples own info, the differences have to doRead More →

The last months I’ve been quite active on FT4 on LEO satellites. A number of challenges come together doing FT4 on sats such as accurate doppler control and time, multiple WSJT-x applications and CAT transceiver control. The doppler control is basically identical to SSB, however the update rate and/or the maximal frequency error must be set different. MacDoppler only supports update rate, which can be set up to 10 times per second. SatPC32 also supports update rate based on frequency error. Many set this to 0, meaning highest update rate. But I think that 10 Hz should do it as well. In order to listenRead More →